Teaching Ethics and Harm Reduction

Psychedelics are being used more and more widely and frequently all over the world and in many contexts and circumstances. Not all contexts are safe, sacred and surrounded by proper guidance, set and setting. There are trends of physical and emotional destabilization, spiritual emergencies and abuses of power occurring inside of psychedelic work. Challenging experiences of all kinds can emerge not only in poorly cultivated settings but also in very carefully curated ones. I care deeply about creating safe, responsible and sacred environments for these healing experiences to serve the clients that open themselves to these portals of transformation

I am passionate about teaching therapists, organizations, clinics, schools and institutes to learn and be in more competent conversations around psychedelic psychotherapy, harm reduction, dialogues on ethics of psychedelic use, proper integration and risk management. 

I am interested in leading, guiding and being in conversations that host the questions: 

How can journey spaces be used for healing, empowerment, connection and harmony with nature as well as razing collective capacity to widen our circles of love and cares? How to be aware of and avoid potentiallly harmful and/or self-centering ego trips? 

How can psychedelics be used to expand as opposed to reduce or obscure awareness?